Creating a sales sizzle reel for SIMULATE, showing off their social media prowess in the industry

“A Chicken Nugget Simulation” - SIMULATE
The world needs to know that SIMULATE does social media differently, this video’s job is to show that off. A custom, on-brand sizzle reel for to help highlight the social media prowess.
Director: TK King
Producer: Chris Sullivan
Design / Motion Design: TK King

STEP ONE - On this project the client/producer was Chris Sullivan, and we brainstormed a lot on what this video needed to look like. This project was simple, only in the sense that I only heard one word to get on this thing, “Go”. While sometimes we have a ton of time to step back, board things out, and explore, on this one we did not. I was “boarding” for approval simply by animating and started the rounds of feedback there -

STEP TWO - Each section was it’s own “Piece”, and there ended up being about 10 total pieces. I was in tight communication with the client, and the back and forth was very rapid on this, sometimes multiple rounds of feedback every day -

STEP THREE - Not to gloss over the effort on this one, this project took over 20 working days over a span of two months, and really pushed me on the effort side as this is one of my larger projects. The focus was to make it unmistakable that NUGGS is big on social and growing, and I believe we accomplished that. If you’d like to make something similar or are looking to work together, reach out, and let’s make something awesome! My email is work@createdbytk.com