NY Liberty

“Team Stadium Graphics” - NY LIBERTY
I worked under Lightwork Inc to create a ton of motion executions for the NY Liberty WNBA team. After 3 different design explorations, the client liked all three, so I reworked two of them for the Season Opener Video, and then took the third and expanded it to build for all the Barclays Stadium LED Screens. I built programmed LED Kits for both each player and then a full minute long programmed kit alongside the season opener video.
Director: Desmond Brown
Producer: Shana Stephenson
Edit (Season Opener): Kate Mingazirova
Color (Season Opener): Olga Kryukova
Design / Motion Design: TK King

STEP ONE - I had 5 total days to create this execution, so the first two days I started with explorations, finding a visual style I liked. In pulling inspiration, I really wanted to focus on one large vector element and so I rebuilt a “measured” basketball court in AI so that it could be properly animated in AE. This is my first time working I the sports industry, so I was absolutely pulling from pieces and animation styles that are popular right now, and the “small touches” of illustration hits were inspired by these things -

STEP TWO - I now have three days left, shooting for an EOW delivery, and the client has just made me aware that we also have to do full LED kits for the season opener video and for each player graphic. I had to strategize my build out in AE, making sure all of my assets lead back to a single Pre-Composition, so I can easily swap player name and number. Here is a final project panel screen shot, from the first 2 Pre-Compositions (Player Name, Player #) it then would kick out 16 differently sized assets with a entirely different player name and number all with a few clicks. I had to version out a lot, so this was a huge time saver.

STEP THREE - Now it was time to dive into these LED kits, making assets for every screen inside the stadium. This was a challenge because you can’t see the screens, so I was jumping on Youtube looking at team graphic examples in Barclays to gauge what designs could work well, and then just put pen to paper and got moving -

STEP FOUR - We’re finally here, nearing project completion, this project really pushed me to limit in design and animation, along with strategy in a whole new direction for me. I’m super proud of what I made on this, and the client was satisfied with what they made, and did not even realize I could do a full LED kit, so it was cool to be able to upsell the extra LED kit assets that they weren’t aware we could have. I worked directly with the Senior Creative at Barclays to make sure all assets were set up properly, and it was such a beautiful thing to see these play live. Thank you for diving into the process on this! If you’d like to work together on a project, definitely reach out - work@createdbytk.com -